Market structure and market demand analysis of 5 major outdoor lighting markets in the world

time:2017-07-29 11:05:00 browse:6453次

The global market research firm TrendForce's green energy division LEDinside said in the latest "silver membership report", LED outdoor lighting has entered a mature market, the global market LED outdoor lighting shipments and market scale will year-on-year rapid growth.

LEDinside analyst Wang Ting said, "the LED streetlight solution after years of constant innovation and improvement is becoming more and more mature, more global city after an early pilot installation after fully verified LED lighting energy saving and environmental protection, the advantages of long service life, the price has dropped to LED street and the traditional lighting is more close to the level of expected 2014~2017 years LED outdoor lighting not only shipments year-on-year rapid growth, the market size will remain more than 20% compound growth rate. "

North America launched the largest street lighting program
To the North American market, by the end of 2013, the United States a total of more than 600 city have or are planning to install LED lights, such as Losangeles, Seattle City, the installation of 142 thousand lamp installed 41 thousand lights, Las Garth, installed 40 thousand lights, Boston city installed 32 thousand lights. New York has planned to replace the city's 250 thousand street lights in 2017, and then replace the city's commercial lighting fixtures with LED lights, the largest in North America for the LED street lighting program. In addition, most provinces and cities in Canada are also actively carrying out LED street lighting program or launching a facelift incentive program.

The outdoor lighting market in North America is gradually mature as manufacturers join. The competition strategy of manufacturers is mainly to provide cost-effective products, pay more attention to environmental factors, and meet the demand of high-end professional. CREE, for example, offers a $99 LED street light instead of the 100W high pressure sodium lamp to meet the needs of the municipalities where the budget is not adequate. In addition, due to the changing needs of consumers from the halogen lamp and incandescent lamp to more energy-efficient and more long-lived LED products, manufacturers such as OSRAM and GE have to streamline the traditional lighting products business, will focus on LED products and solutions.

European LED street lighting is moving towards popularization

European lighting market was opened. The European Street market has been a B2G oligopoly market, product style and less supply chain has been quite stable, usually European local brand factory or local manufacturers, these manufacturers have political and business relations and economic scale is quite good. European LED street lamps are less sensitive to price than others, but the quality requirements are rather stringent.

The installation of LED street lights is also gaining ground in all regions of Europe, including the uk. London has launched its biggest modern street lighting project so far, and plans to replace about 35000 of the 52000 lights used in its street lighting by 2016 as LED lights. In addition, other British regions have also opened the facelift program in 2013, large-scale installation of LED street lamps.

Japan LED lighting will benefit from the 2020 Olympic Games

The Japanese government announced its annual budget for 2014 in December 22, 2013, setting a record value of 95 trillion and 880 billion yen. In 2014 the Japanese government budget to increase spending on social welfare, national defense and public buildings, which included 4 billion yen in BEMS, LED lighting demonstration, experiment and international standards.

The Japanese government will increase its tax sources and reduce the issuance of government bonds in order to achieve the goal of deficit reduction and reduce the current fiscal deficit of about 50 yen by half. Long term goal is related to the 2020 Olympic Games and lighting engineering infrastructure, has seen the related construction industry has officially started, plans to import LED lighting and OLED lighting in this project to attract international attention. In addition, the signing of the international mercury convention will also bring new opportunities for LED lighting.
The growth momentum of China's outdoor lighting comes from the demand for LED street lamp modification

The new increment of Chinese street lamps has high consistency with the period of government fiscal expansion. In 2009, the Chinese government put forward a 4 trillion yuan (RMB) economic stimulus plan, with the number of new street lamps reaching 1 million 840 thousand units (YOY+12.17%). Since 2012, China's financial sector has entered a tightening cycle, and the budget for public expenditure has been strictly managed. It is predicted that the number of new street lights in China will fall into a downward range. The future growth momentum will mainly come from the demand for LED street lamps, especially through the EMC mode of outdoor lighting energy-saving renovation project brought about by the facelift.

LEDinside statistics found that in 2013, a large number of projects in Guangdong were still concentrated in the six major central cities of the Pearl River Delta city group with relatively strong economic development and relatively strong financial strength. And the number of 12 years have also greatly improved, in the field of outdoor public lighting, LED lighting has entered the harvest period, after the completion of the facelift, the coastal city's new demand will slow down. Guangdong 2013 LED street lamp installed capacity of at least 300 thousand units, while the 1H14 will enter the street lights intensive installation period.

Emerging market LED street lighting tide start

In emerging markets such as India, Russia, Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Columbia and Australia), LED outdoor lighting policy and related projects have attracted more and more attention change. Russia began in 2014 banned incandescent lamp above 25W, Malaysia from 2014 onwards in the building and real estate projects prohibited or phasing out the incandescent lamp and lighting all the traditional means. And Thailand and India are expected to 2015 LED lighting penetration will be significantly improved. In addition, Australia, Argentina, Columbia and India major cities have opened LED street lighting installation projects.

Overall, North America, China, and Europe remain the main areas of outdoor lighting demand, but growth has been slowing as a result of budget cuts and higher penetration rates. The Latin American market development later, in Brazil ushered in the two major events, driven by the outdoor lighting market will usher in a rapid lift period.
